Village of Bjelosavljevici

A brand new Orthodox church, in a village, on a mountain. Scattered houses, scattered rocks, just a handful of residents. That’s it. That is all that the village of Bjelosavljevici is on paper. It really shouldn’t be and shouldn’t feel as special as it does. Maybe it’s the remoteness and the stillness that makes it so. Maybe it’s those mountain views. Or the 360 medieval tombstones just laying around. Or the sunsets! Maybe it’s that lone tree next to the church, a tree with a shade where your main character can rest and look at that Windows XP wallpaper in front of them. Maybe it’s all of those. Whatever this thing may be, this x factor, we’re thankful for it, and you’ll be thankful too once you capture it in your film.

43.9105049 / 18.7425842
Whole Year