30% Cash Rebate

Republic of Srpska is a republic of development, passionate about developing its film industry and developing your projects. That’s why we’re offering a refund up to 30% of eligible expenditures spent in the Republic of Srpska.

One of the conditions an investor should obey is that in the purpose of the production of an audio-visual act, they have to mean the funds for the realization of the project in the Republic of Srpska in their budget in the amount that is higher of the minimal means for the specifical project:

  • for feature film, documentary-feature and TV film: 500.000 BAM,
  • for TV series: 200.000 BAM, per episode,
  • for animated series: 150.000 BAM,
  • for animated feature film, audio or visual postproduction of an audio-visual act: 150.000 BAM,
  • for advertisment film: 300.000 BAM,
  • for documentary film and documentary TV program: 50.000 BAM,
  • for short animated film: 50.000 BAM.

The right to a cash rebate for a part of the funds spent in film production can be acquired by a producer for audio-visual acts that are in the format of a feature film, TV film, TV series, animated film and animated series, postproduction of an audio-visual act, advertisment film, documentary feature film and documentary TV programme.

Regulation on conditions and procedures for the allocation of the incentives to the investor which makes an audio-visual act in the Republic of Srpska can be found here.

The audio-visual center of the Republic of Srpska

Filmmaking is a collaborative profession, we all know that. Simply, for it to work, you need good collaborators. That’s where we step in – Public Institution “The Audio-Visual Center of the Republic of Srpska.” It’s a long name, but we do a lot of things. We go abroad and promote domestic films, and we promote foreign films right here. We educate, we preserve, we encourage. But, most importantly – we develop. We develop films and partnerships, connecting you, from over there to us, over here. To our locations, our film workers, and our favorable conditions for foreign film production and co-production, conditions we’ve worked hard to create. So, since we’re all in a collaborative profession, let’s collaborate!


The Audio-Visual Center of the Republic of Srpska | All Rights Reserved