Let's talk producer to producer

Hey, let’s talk producer to producer. Let’s talk facts. The Republic of Srpska is an undiscovered gem of filming locations. Strategic placement in the Balkans. Untouched, unspoiled, and still uncaptured on film. Breathtaking natural landscapes. Centuries of historic architecture. 30% cash refunds. Blossoming film industry. Honestly, it’s a republic of everything.

A republic of deep, lush forests and scenic mountains, rivers and lakes, meadows and cliffs, caves and canyons. A republic of churches, cathedrals, mosques, and monasteries. Of historic monuments and monumental spirit, created through the centuries still visible in villages, fortresses, and old towns, ranging from medieval, across Ottoman and Austro-Hungarian influences, to remnants of communism. It’s a republic that can rival any European filming location, at the fraction of the price. A republic of continental climate where every season is experienced in full postcard capacity… and full filming capacity, with almost all of the locations available for filming all year round.

It’s also a republic of a developing film industry, passionate about developing films. Production companies, equipment rentals, skilled, educated, and often bilingual film workforce are all available and open for collaboration. And it is truly a collaboration. What you give, you get back. In sights captured, in connections made, in unique locations… and in cash, 30% cash rebates on eligible production costs.

These factors coupled with the richness and the diversity of both urban and rural, architectural and natural landscapes, make the Republic of Srpska a beautiful, accessible, and highly profitable filming location for your next production.

So, fly in or drive in. Set up shop in the heart of the Balkans. Capture what you want. Capture what you need. Right here, in the Republic Of Srpska. Welcome and action!

Check out our amazing locations

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